Dear Supporter,
 The Board of Directors of the JEB Stuart Birthplace Preservation Trust announces a fundraising campaign to erect a monument at Laurel Hill. This effort is actually a continuation of a monument fundraiser started a number of years ago, but was tabled due to cost and other considerations. The Board feels now is the right time to fulfill that obligation. This monument, which will be unveiled in 2020, the 30th anniversary of the organization, will be of granite, standing seven feet tall, with mounted bronze plaques. One plaque will show an image of Stuart in his early years at Laurel Hill, a rendition done by local artist Allen Weidhaas. JEB Stuart VI posed for this model when he was younger. The second plaque will have quotes from letters JEB wrote in later years, telling of his feelings and desire to return to the place of his birth. The dedication will be announced at a later date.
Some may feel that today’s political climate dose not lend itself to building new monuments. The Board of Directors would argue the opposite, that more monuments, statuary, and interpretive signs should erected, not just to Stuart’s time, but to all historical figures, who are part of our country’s collective history and heritage.
All donations to this monument will be greatly appreciated. Donations of twenty-five dollars or more will receive a bronze monument medallion and donors will be duly noted in upcoming editions of the Trust’s newsletter, Reconnaissance. Thank you for your support in our endeavors. Board of Directors
JEB Stuart Birthplace Preservation Trust Inc.